IRM Inc. برنامه ها

m-Teresa_old 1.17
IRM Inc.
Ask questions to patients then the answersetwill be stored in IRM Health Engine. The answer sets in thecloudcan be shared through the Internet via IHE XDS.b protocol.Doctorscan order the treatment to the health staff remotely andevenstatistical data will be gathered automatically. You cangatheryour own data and draw graph using IRM Health Engine RESTAPI.* You must sign up at* Ask your service admin to access the patient data
m-Teresa 2.7.70(71)
IRM Inc.
“A simple Tool to Narrow the Gap, Anywhere” What is m-Teresa? -“m-Teresa” is an easy to use medical application that utilizesSmart Devices to Collect health-related databases for the PublicHealth sectors. - Allows Community Health Workers & Nurses toconnect with Public Health Institutions & Medical Doctors torecord Statistics and for Consultation - Narrows the Gap betweenPatients and Medical Care “m-Teresa” application users may recorddata of any patients easily. With standard features in SmartDevices, such as Cameras and Microphones, users may record photoimages, and voice files as data. - Photos for Patient Profile, andInjures *For additional add-on, “m-Teresa” may collect data from: -Stethoscope - Fetal Doppler -Sphygmomanometer -SPO2 - Other medicaldevices Users may collect data from any part of the region as theymake visits, from cities and to the remote sites withoutboundaries. With the patient information collected, database maydirectly be synchronized to the Public Health Institutions &Medical Doctors for data statistics and Medical Consultation. Thisapplication is also capable of multi-language selection for theusers without a language barrier. In addition, m-Teresa may alsoload databases from “Health-Engine”, “Sandwich” to connect DICOMmedical images such as X-ray and ultrasonic images. 1. Main Feature- Health & Medical Data Collector -Medical ConsultationApplication 2. Format Features - Simple to Use Interface *BasicFeatures: - Text, -Date/time -Name - Number with optional unit, -Selection with code *Multimedia Features: - Images - Video - Audio*Exterior Features: May Synchronize to Health-Engine medicalservices - Format Customization Available: - User may customize theformat for Medical Record for different standardization format 3.Patient Management - May upload unlimited quota of Patients - MaySynchronize Health-Engine medical services with patient’s database- Format Adjustable 4. User-base Management - Supports “OAuth2”based User Authentication 5. Integration of Hardware/MedicalEquipment - Supports Camera, Microphone from the individual’s SmartDevices -Supports Stethoscope, Fetal Doppler, Sphygmomanometer,SPO2, mobile ultra-sonic devices, and external medical equipment 6.Other Features - Supports DICOM Medical Images - View Statistics“m-Teresa” is currently being operated by the Android applicationsystem. IOS. Version is currently under construction, and soon tobe available on IOS App.Store
m-Teresa (Chromebook) 1.0.4
IRM Inc.
“A simple Tool to Narrow the Gap, Anywhere” What is m-Teresa?-“m-Teresa” is an easy to use medical application thatutilizesSmart Devices to Collect health-related databases for thePublicHealth sectors. - Allows Community Health Workers &Nurses toconnect with Public Health Institutions & MedicalDoctors torecord Statistics and for Consultation - Narrows the GapbetweenPatients and Medical Care “m-Teresa” application users mayrecorddata of any patients easily. With standard features inSmartDevices, such as Cameras and Microphones, users may recordphotoimages, and voice files as data. - Photos for Patient Profile,andInjures *For additional add-on, “m-Teresa” may collect datafrom: -Stethoscope - Fetal Doppler -Sphygmomanometer -SPO2 - Othermedicaldevices Users may collect data from any part of the regionas theymake visits, from cities and to the remote siteswithoutboundaries. With the patient information collected, databasemaydirectly be synchronized to the Public Health Institutions&Medical Doctors for data statistics and Medical Consultation.Thisapplication is also capable of multi-language selection fortheusers without a language barrier. In addition, m-Teresa mayalsoload databases from “Health-Engine”, “Sandwich” to connectDICOMmedical images such as X-ray and ultrasonic images. 1. MainFeature- Health & Medical Data Collector -MedicalConsultationApplication 2. Format Features - Simple to UseInterface *BasicFeatures: - Text, -Date/time -Name - Number withoptional unit, -Selection with code *Multimedia Features: - Images- Video - Audio*Exterior Features: May Synchronize to Health-Enginemedicalservices - Format Customization Available: - User maycustomize theformat for Medical Record for differentstandardization format 3.Patient Management - May upload unlimitedquota of Patients - MaySynchronize Health-Engine medical serviceswith patient’s database- Format Adjustable 4. User-base Management- Supports “OAuth2”based User Authentication 5. Integration ofHardware/MedicalEquipment - Supports Camera, Microphone from theindividual’s SmartDevices -Supports Stethoscope, Fetal Doppler,Sphygmomanometer,SPO2, mobile ultra-sonic devices, and externalmedical equipment 6.Other Features - Supports DICOM Medical Images- View Statistics“m-Teresa” is currently being operated by theAndroid applicationsystem. IOS. Version is currently underconstruction, and soon tobe available on IOS App.Store